Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
Inamura no Hi
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Inamura no Hi

Phase 2-3

Trainers' Training utilised Tsunami educational booklet -Inamura no Hi- in India, Bangladesh, and Indonesia

Partner NGO: MERCY Malaysia

Under the program, 5,000 copies of the "Inamura-ho-hi" booklet of Bahasa Indonesia version was reprinted and distributed. The booklets were introduced through a one-day training for teachers in Banda Aceh which was participated by 123 teachers from all over Banda Aceh. They are trainee teachers from Education Faculty in Syiah Kuala University (49), teachers from secondary school (22), and teachers from primary schools (42), NGOs involved in education (5). There were also 5 invited guests from the Ministry of Education, Banda Aceh. The rest of the booklets were presented to the Education Department and Health Department (Dinas Kesehatan) and they distributed to the schools and the community of Desa Weu Raya.