Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
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[REPORT] Regional Workshop

Total Disaster Risk Management
7-9 August, 2002
Kobe, Japan



1. Foreword

2. Opening Speech of Mr. Satoru Nishikawa

Executive Director, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), Japan

Opening Speech of Dr. Ruben C. Umaly

Executive Director,

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foundation, Indonesia

Opening Speech of Mr. Salvano Briceno

Director, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

(ISDR) Secretariat, Switzerland

Opening Speech of Mr. Tetsuya Shirasaki

Councillor, Disaster Management,

Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

3. Keynote Speech on the Successful Experience in Disaster Risk Management in Japan

Professor Hideki Kaji, Keio University, Japan

4. Total Disaster Risk Management Approach: Towards Effective Policy Action in Disaster Reduction and Response

Mr. Manny de Guzman, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer,

Alliance for Emergency Response and Training, the Philippines

5. Enabling Environment Required for Adoption of TDRM Approach in Disaster Prone Countries

Mr. Salvano Briceno, Director,

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

(ISDR) Secretariat, Switzerland

6. Flood Forecasting and Early Warning

Mr. Tien Thai Van, Operational Hydrologist,

Mekong River Commission (MRC), Cambodia

7. Early Warning of Volcanic Eruption in Japan

Mr. Masaaki Nakagawa, Deputy Director, Disaster Preparedness,

Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

8. Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Disaster Management in the Philippines

Mr. Bernardo Alejandro, Civil Defense Officer,

Office of Civil Defense - Department of National Defense, the Philippines

9. With Greater Speed and Accuracy: Disaster - Prevention Broadcasting by NHK

Mr. Tomio Kojima, Director of Disaster Reduction Center,

Nippon Housou Kyokai (NHK), Japan

10. Public Awareness of Disaster Risks through Education

Mr. Shinji Ito, Supervisor, Educational Planning Office,

Hyogo Prefectural Board of Education, the Hyogo Prefecture Government, Japan

11. Enhancing Capacity of Managing Disaster in Local Government Leaders

Mr. Yoshinobu Fukasawa, Deputy Executive Director, Disaster Reduction and

Human Renovation Institution (DRI), Japan

12. Keynote Speech on Disaster Risk Reduction and Response

Mr. Kenzo Oshima, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs

and Emergency Relief Coordinator

13. Holistic Approach to Disaster Reduction in Japan : Towards Total Disaster Risk Management

Mr. Satoru Nishikawa, Executive Director,

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), Japan

14. Linking Disaster to Development : The Case of Community Level Disaster Management in Nepal

Mr. Man B. Thapa, National Programme Manager,

Disaster Management Programme,

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nepal

15. Hazard Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment

Mr. Toshiaki Udono, Senior Project Manager, Kansai Division

Mr. Awadh Kishor Sah, Project Manager, Project Implementation Department,

Overseas Division, PASCO Corporation, Japan

16. Integrated Riverine Flood Risk Management

Mr. Thomas Brennan, Senior Regional Advisor, Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance,

United States Agency for International Development(USAID/OFDA) the Philippines

17. Disaster Risk Management

Mr. Michael Tarrant, Assistant Director, Research Management,

Emergency Management Australia (EMA), Australia

18. Closing Speech of Mr. Nhim Vanda

First Vice President, The National Committee for Disaster Management

(NCDM), Cambodia

Closing Speech of Ms. Crispine B. Abat

Civil Defense Officer, Office of Civil Defense, Department of National Defense,

the Philippines

Closing Speech of Mr. Yoshinobu Fukasawa

Deputy Executive Director,

Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (DRI), Japan

Closing Speech of Mr. Thomas Brennan

Senior Regional Advisor, Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance,

United States Agency for International Development (USAID/OFDA) the Philippines

Closing Speech of Mr. Satoru Nishikawa

Executive Director, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), Japan

19. Recap of the Programme on the 7th of August

Mr. Manny de Guzman, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer,

Alliance for Emergency Response and Training, the Philippines

Recap of the Programme on the 8th of August

Mr. Michael Tarrant, Assistant Director, Research Management,

Emergency Management Australia (EMA), Australia

Report of the Group Discussions


20. Programme Agenda

21. List of Participants

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