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Bangladesh: Tropical Cyclone: 1998/11 Country Information on DRR

Period 1998/11
Country or District Bangladesh
Event Type Tropical Cyclone
Outline On 22 November, the cyclone 07B passed the southwest coastline in Bangladesh,and heavy rain had falled on 23 Nov.spread damage.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others
OCHA Situation Report No. 2 98/12/3
People killed: 267
People missing: 16
People injured: 92.
WFP staff in the affected area reported that in Da Nang Province 14,000 people had been evacuated.
Houses collapsed: 9,821
Houses flooded/damaged: 470,176
Schools collapsed: 143
Schools flooded/damaged: 1,484

The economic loss is estimated at USD 93 million. The flood is reported to be the worst flood since 1975.
Discovery Online
22 people has been dead by tropical storms Gil. Authorities in Khanh Hoa province said 226 houses were destroyed.
OCHA Report No.3 98/12/18
the dead;40
missing people;3
the injrured and the sick;5
damaged houses;602
flooded houses;16,327
Grain,irrigation channel and telegraph pole were damaged.
damage by GIL and Faith
Bangladesh Cyclone Information Bulletin No. 1
The many fishermen in Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirojpur, Satkira and Barguna , estimated at about 60,000 took shelter in inland creeks. Losses reported damage to crops which were nearing maturity and ready for harvesting, damage to 200 tons of dried fish, and damage to mud-fabricated houses.

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OCHA Situation Report No.1
On 23 November, the cyclone 07B turned into a land depression and weakened gradually, causing moderate to heavy rainfall in many parts of the country.The districts of Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirojpur, Satkhira and Barguna were the most affected.

Relief Web

IFRC 23 Nov 1998
By the morning of 22 November, the danger signal had been raised to 10 at Mongla Port and 9 at Chittagong, by which time most of the 33,000 CPP volunteers were in action or on standby.

[ERI Emergency Relief Information]

OCHA Situation Report No. 1 24 Nov 1998
An estimated 121,000 people were assisted in reaching cyclone shelters by the National Red Crescent Society. Truck loads of relief material were loaded and ready to be dispatched, and disaster assessment teams and medical teams were put on stand-by.