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Philippines (the):Earthquake:1999/12/12

Duration1999/12/12 A strong earthquake hit Luzon 12 December 1999, at 02:03 hrs local time. The earthquake measured 6.8 on the Richter scale.. The main quake lasted for more than 20 seconds and was followed by a series of strong aftershocks. Six people were reportedly killed and at least 40 people were injured, mostly by debris falling from damaged walls and roofs in their homes.
Country or DistrictPhilippines (the)

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others
AFP 1999/12/13

Initial estimates for damage caused by the quake were not yet available although at least 30 houses were partially destroyed in Zambales.
Several bridges, water pumping stations and public buildings in Manila and Pangasinan suffered "minor damage" .

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Related Links
  • DPA 1999/12/16
    An earthquake measuring 5.1 points on the Richter Scale shook the central Philippines at 1:12 p.m. (0512 GMT) on Wednesday.
  • OCHA Situation Report No. 2 1999/12/13
    There was only minor damage to public infrastructure such as bridges, public buildings and water pumping stations.
  • AFP 1999/12/13
    The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck the main Philippine island of Luzon rose to six with the number of injured rising to at least 40.
  • OCHA Situation Report No. 1 1999/12/12
    Initial reports indicate that the damage is less than first feared but a number of buildings in Manila suffered damage, such as cracks and shattered grass panels.
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Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center