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Duration2015/11/08 Heavy rainfall and winds affected Tamil Nadu, India over 8-10 November 2015, causing floods and damage. Media report at least 10 people killed.
Country or DistrictIndia

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others

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  • UNOCHA 2015/12/14
    The floods affected about 3 million people including 1 million children, damaged over 116,000 houses and 92,000 hectares of farmland, with over 400 fatalities.
  • UNOCHA 2015/12/08
    Media reports indicate at least 280 people have died.
  • ECHO 2015/12/02
    As of 1 December, there were 200 dead in Tamil Nadu and another 30 in Andhra Pradesh.
  • ECHO 2015/11/24
    As of 24 November, there were 169 dead in Tamil Nadu and another 33 in Andhra Pradesh, while 400,000 people have been displaced in Tamil Nadu.
  • ECHO 2015/11/18
    As of 18 November, media reported over 80 dead (mostly in the area of Chennai) in Tamil Nadu, another eight in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Government of India 2015/11/17
    Due to continuous rain over the past week, more than 70 people have reportedly been killed.
  • ECHO 2015/11/10
    Media report at least 10 people killed.
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Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center