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UN Country Team in Tajikistan 2014/05/29
Heavy rains triggered flash floods and mudslides in several districts of Tajikistan between April 11 to May 18, 2014. A reported total of 20 people died due to the floods. More than 400 households were affected.
UN Country Team in Tajikistan 2014/04/30
Additional heavy rains that have occurred from 24 to 25 April 2014 hampered the debris removal process of the affected communities. 16 people were killed and 37 people were injured.
IFRC 2014/04/22
According to the initial rapid assessment 256 families (1,536 people) were affected by the flood.
AFP 2014/04/13
Tajikistan mud slide kills six children
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Emergency Relief Information
Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center