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Afghanistan:Flash Flood:2010/07/26

Duration2010/07/26 Flash floods killed over 20 people and destroyed dozens of houses in different parts of Afghanistan on 26-27 July 2010
Country or DistrictAfghanistan
NameFlash Flood

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others

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Related Links
  • 2010/07/31
    Flash floods in Afghanistan have killed at least 65 people and affected more than 1,000 families, the national disaster authority chief told a news agency on Saturday.
  • OCHA ReliefWeb 2010/08/01
    As of 30 July 2010, heavy rains, resulting in flash floods, have affected several areas in the country, most significantly in the Central and Eastern Regions. According to the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), approximately, 3,831 households were reported to have been affected and 16 deaths have been estimated in the Eastern Region.
  • IRIN 2010/07/28
    The northeastern Kapisa and the eastern Laghman provinces were worst affected
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Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center