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Duration2000/07 Although no official data are yet available, estimates are that this year's wheat production will be only 30 per cent of the production in 1999. The areas mostly affected by the drought are the southern region of Khatlon province and the northern area of Leninabad province. Most of the 250,000 hectares of rain-fed crops have been seriously affected. The Government anticipates that 735,000 metric tons of food supplies must be imported to meet the national requirement.
It is estimated that approximately 3 million people in Tajikistan--nearly half of the population--are affected by the drought.
Country or DistrictTajikistan

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others
IFRC 2000/08/23
The most affected drought areas are the Khatlon Oblast, in the south-west of the country, with 840,000 people in critical need of food assistance and the Leninabad Oblast in the north, with 600,000 worst affected.

The total additional food needs for the year 2000-2001 are estimated at 787,000 tonnes. By autumn this year, around 3 million people are expected to be directly affected by drought, with 2 million possibly facing a critical food shortage.
OCHA Situation Report No. 2 2000/08/01

Deterioration of agricultural production has been particularly noticed. Rain-fed crops have failed, as well as approximately 30- 50 percent of irrigated crops. Aggregate 2000 cereal output forecast is at 236,000 tonnes, which is 46 percent less than in 1999.

Specific Matters

Related Links
  • IFRC 2000/10/26

  • OCHA Situation Report No. 3 2000/10/10

  • UNICEF 2000/09/25

  • World Food Programme (WFP) 2000/09/21

  • IFRC No.2 2000/09/19

  • IFRC 2000/09/19

  • OCHA 2000/09/18
    UN Inter-Agency Donor Alert for the Drought in Tajikistan (15 Sep 2000 - 31 Jul 2001)
    FAO estimates that if seeds are not provided immediately, in time for the next planting season in October/November, more cereal deficits can be expected next year.

  • AFP 2000/09/08
    The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent appealed to international donor states Friday to help Tajikistan stave off a looming famine. The Red Cross plans to deliver some 25,000 tonnes of food to around 250,000 Tajiks at risk.
  • IFRC 2000/09/08
    "What we have seen is worse than we expected. Most of the wheat fields that are mainly on rain-fed land have given scanty harvest, in some places - zero", says Roger Bracke, leader of the Federation assessment team, visiting the areas that are most affected by the drought in Tajikistan.
  • Reuters 2000/09/07
    Drought has killed 100,000 hectares of crops out of 289,000 hectares sown to grain.
  • IFRC 2000/08/31
    Tajikistan is facing a serious food shortage as a result of drought, according to a Federation team assessing the impact of drought in the Central Asia region. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, this year's wheat harvest is estimated at 236,000 metric tonnes, only half the tonnage harvested in 1999. Cereal production will be sufficient to meet national requirements for only three months.
  • IFRC 2000/08/23
    Tajikistan has been continuously struggling with the low-quality of locally-produced seeds which have had a seriously impact on agricultural output.
  • Government of USA 2000/08/18
    US to donate agricultural commodities to Tajikistan
  • AFP 2000/08/07
    The World Food Programme is to provide 136,000 tonnes of sugar, oil and flour to Tajikistan where half the six million population faces the threat of famine.
  • OCHA Situation Report No. 2 2000/08/01
    The adverse impact of drought is also compounded by the deterioration of irrigation channels, water pumps and machinery for agricultural production.
  • AFP 2000/08/01
    The World Food Programme (WFP) issued an urgent appeal for aid Monday in an attempt to stave off a possible famine in the drought-stricken Central Asian republic of Tajikistan.
  • OCHA Situation Report No. 1 2000/07/20
    Due to the drought, up to 50 % of the Tajik population will need food aid, in addition to the 370,000 already served.
  • AFP 2000/07/19
    More than 60 million people have been affected by the ongoing drought in central and southern Asia, particularly in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, India and Iran.
Geographycal Data Information
Emergency Relief Information
  • OCHA Situation Report No. 2 2000/08/01
    The mission found that Tajikistan is facing a serious food crisis due to severe drought and continuing economic problems that are a consequence of past civil strife and prevailing insecurity. An estimated 3 million people, out of a total population of 6.2 million, already face severe food shortages and the situation is likely to worsen as the year progresses.
Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center