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Australia:Wild Fire:2009/02/07

Duration2009/02/07 The death toll from fires in southern Australia has reached at least 108, the worst in the country's history on 8 February 2009.
Country or DistrictAustralia
NameWild Fire

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others
Reuters AlerNet 2009/02/12
Dead:181 (confirmed)
Homeless: 5,000

Damaged houses: 1,033
Area burnt: 450,000 ha

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Geographycal Data Information
Emergency Relief Information
Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center
  • Image Gallery of MODIS, NASA
    A crippling heat wave and strong winds in southeastern Australia contributed to an outbreak of forest and grassland fires in Victoria in late January 2009.