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Madagascar:Tropical Cyclone:2000/02

Duration2000/02 Cyclone Eline made landfall on the east coast of Madagascar in the evening of 17 February, between the towns of Mahanoro and Vatomandry. Cyclone Eline crossed the country, passing approximately 80 km north of the capital city of Antananarivo and finally hit the town of Belo-Tsiribihina in the west before heading towards the African continent.
Country or DistrictMadagascar
NameTropical Cyclone

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others
OCHA Situation Report No.4 2000/03/09
The composite figure of the population affected by both cyclones in 16 districts is: 561,440, including 282,400 women and 29,200 children. 12,230 people are currently cut off by flood water.

OCHA Situation Report No.3 2000/03/08
Some 560,000 people have been affected in varying degrees. Over 10,000 are homeless and 12,200 cannot yet be reached.

OCHA Situation Report No.6 2000/03/20
The number of people affected is 500,000. The number of people in need of immediate assistance has risen following recent assessments in isolated areas, and is estimated at 42,000. Results of assessments completed on 17 March are expected to show an even higher figure of affected population, up to 45,000 - 50,000. The death toll is constant at 130.

The floods have affected crops (notably of rice, the main staple) and in several communities in the region of Marolambo, food reserves are practically depleted. Many roads and bridges have been cut off and some villages are isolated by flood water, leaving many people reachable only by helicopters.

OCHA Situation Report No.1 2000/02/22
According to the information obtained through the Conseil National de Secours (CNS), in the province of Tamatave, 150 people were affected in Vatomandry, 2,500 in Mahanoro and 30 in Marolambo. In addition, 6 people were killed and one was seriously injured in Marolambo.

Specific Matters

Related Links
  • Reuters 2000/04/02
    Madagascar, still recovering from widespread cyclone damage one month ago, braced itself on Sunday for the arrival of a new cyclone described by meteorologists as ``very intense.''
  • OCHA Situation Report No.7 2000/03/22
    The number of people needing immediate assistance is 132,500 (including people who have lost crops and/or livestock), while the population without shelter is estimated at 22,000.
  • OCHA Situation Report No.6 2000/03/20
    New areas in the northeast have been affected by flooding as a result of the cumulation of rains from cyclones Eline and Gloria. Communities and villages in the following regions are cut off due to the flooding and need to be urgently reached by helicopter: Marolambo,
    Antanambao-Mananpotsy, Mahanoro, Andapa and Maroantsetra.
  • OCHA Situation Report No. 5 2000/03/13
    The number of people affected by both cyclones and in need of immediate assistance is around 24,500. However, since certain zones are cut off by flood water, the total affected population in these areas is still being assessed.
  • OCHA Situation Report No.4 2000/03/09
    The Government has today launched an appeal for emergency assistance to the international community following the passage of cyclone 'Eline' and ' Gloria'.
    The total amount required is estimated to be USD 3,681,361, excluding cost of transportation of relief items.
  • OCHA Situation Report No.3 2000/03/08
    Health services in the affected zones have lost 25% of their capacity.
  • OCHA Situation Report No.2 2000/03/07
    The accumulation of the rains from cyclone 'Eline' and the impact of 'Gloria'on 2 March have created a serious flood situation. Mud slides and floods have caused the death of about 40 people. The number of homeless is estimated at 10,000 of which 4,000 women and 2,000 children.
  • OCHA Situation Report No.1 2000/02/22
    Urgently required relief items, such as rice, tents, iron sheets and fuel were partially supplied by the Government on 19 February.
Geographycal Data Information
Emergency Relief Information
  • OCHA Situation Report No.4 2000/03/09
    OCHA is prepared to serve as a channel for cash contributions for the immediate relief needs. Funds channelled through OCHA will be spent in co-ordination with the relevant organizations of the UN system and OCHA will provide written confirmation of their use. Funds should be transferred to OCHA Account No. CO-590.160.1 SWIFT-code SBC0CHGG12A - at the UBS AG, PO Box 2770, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, with reference: OCHA - Madagascar - Cyclone 2000.
Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center