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Duration1998/08 Earthquake with the magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter Scale, hit the NE Pacific coast of Ecuador, on Tuesday, 4 August 1998, at 13h59 (local time).The coastal towns of Bahia de Caraquez (40,000) and San Vicente are the most affected areas.
Country or DistrictEcuador

Headline(Source, Date)
Personal Injury Material Damage Others
OCHA Situation Report No.3 Aug14

In Bahia de Caraquez, 8 buildings (between 3 and 9 stories high) have been found with structural damage, including the main hospital, the telephone company, and a public bank. Damage in the housing sector 357 destroyed and 743 damaged.
Aftershocks occurred 415 times.
Ecuador - Earthquake
Three persons have died and 40 have been injured.
Approximately 60% of existing buildings have been severely affected in Canoa the most affected community. 1,000 persons lost their homes in the town of Canoa.
Water supply remains the most critical problem. Most of the affected population has no access to safe water.
Ecuador - Earthquake

40 homes and a few buildings have collapsed. Electricity has been cut and the telephone service is down.

Ecuador - Triple quake
The third and strongest earthquake, measuring 7.1 on the Richter Scale, left 3 people dead, some 150 injured.
The third and strongest earthquake damaged 400 houses, and cut electricity and water supplies.

Specific Matters

  • Tsunami didn't happen,but most people in coast
    took refuge for fear of Tsunami.
  • IFRC Report 13 Aug 1998
    Distribution of the Ecuadorian Red Cross relief supplies continues in the coastal province of Manabi.

Related Links
Geographycal Data Information
Emergency Relief Information
Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center