For Official use only
Sitrep No. 1
As on 27.06.2002
No. 42-11/2002-NDMCR
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
National Disaster Management
The year 2002 to be the 14th normal monsoon year in succession. The normal is defined as rainfall within + 10% of its long period average. | |
Quantitatively, the rainfall over the country during the season is likely to be 101 per cent of its Long Period Average (LPA) on the estimated model error of + 4 per cent. | |
Over the broad homogeneous regions of India, the rainfall for the 2002 South- West monsoon session is likely to be 104 per cent of its LPA over North-west India, 99% of the LPA over the peninsula and 100% of the LPA over the North-east India with an estimated model error of + 8 per cent. |
27 out of 36 meteorological sub-divisions covering 47% districts and 73% area of the country received normal to excess rainfall. The country as a whole received 79.9 mm of rainfall against the normal value of 87.5. | |
EXCESS in the 8 Meteorological Sub-Division of, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, North Interior Karnataka, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema, Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry. | |
NORMAL In 19 meteorological sub-divisions of, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, South Interior Karnataka, West Rajasthan, East Rajasthan, Konkan & Goa, Madhya Maharashtra, Vidarbha, Coastal Karanataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep. Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim, Gangetic West Bengal, West Uttar Pradesh, EastUttar Pradesh, and Telegana. | |
DEFICIENT in the remaining 7 Meteorological Sub-Divisions of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam & Meghalaya, NMMT, Himachal Pradesh, West Madhya Pradesh and East Madhya Pradesh, Marathwada. | |
SCANTY in 2 Meteorological sub-division of Gujarat and Saurashtra, during the period. |
(As on 27.6.2002)
The Central Water Commission, is monitoring flood situations at 159 flood forecasting stations which includes 134 stage forecasting and 25 inflow forecasting stations located on 8 major interstate river systems covering 14 flood prone states, one Union Territory and the National capital. | |
of 134 stage-forecasting stations, the degree of flood situations at
various sites is (I) unprecedented floods-Nil (II) High floods-Nil and (III) Moderate floods-2. The remaining stage forecasting stations are either below their respective danger or warning levels. |
Unprecedented flood situation: NIL
High Flood situation: NIL
Moderate Flood situation:
In Assam, River Brahmaputra and its tributaries is flowing above danger level at few site up to 25.6.2002. | |
In Bihar, Bagmati river is flowing above danger level at the forcasting site Benibad for few days in the month of June 2002, now flowing below warning level, up to 25.6.2002. | |
river is flowing above danger level today. |
The National Remote Sensing Agency(NRSA) sends regular flood maps along with data obtained through Radar satellite / microwave satellite for assessing the intensity of flood situation in various States. | |
minor flood event was reported in Dhemaji district, Assam. As per the NRSA,
Inundation impact was not much, which was estimated from the satellite
data of 16th June 2002, the flood inundation in Dhemali District was 4,850
hactare. |
The National Disaster Management Division of MHA at the centre level is now coordinating the relief measures in the event of natural calamities(other than drought or epidemic) and man-made disasters, excluding specific items of business allocated other Ministeries/ Departments. | |
Conference of Relief Commissioners of the States/UTs was held on 30th May 2002 to review the status of preparedness in view of the South- West monsoon 2002. | |
All States/ UTs advised for taking required preparatory action including identification of vulnerable areas, stocking of essential commodities at different points, availability of necessary medicines, identification of sites for relief camps/ shelters, keeping communication lines active in remote areas, arrangements for rescue boats, other materials and like. | |
States/ UTs requested to gear up relief machinery at States and District level to meet any eventuality created. | |
The NDM Control Room is monitoring the flood situation.
Flood / Rainfall:
The Southwest monsoon had set in Kerala in normal date on June 1st 2002. | |
As per IMD, the rainfall in the State during the monsoon period ending 19.06.2002 was 370.4 mm against normal average of 370.9 mm with a departure for normal category is - 0%. |
Impact & Damage:
Area: 4 Districts affected | |
Life & Property: Families affected - 1004, Houses destroyed - Fully 170 / Partially - 1146, Crop loss - Value in Rs. 26.14 lakh |
State efforts:
6 Relief camps opened - 4 camps continuing. |
Flood / Rainfall:
The Flood Control Department, Government of Delhi has set up a Flood Control Room in Room No. 422, 4th floor I.S.B.T. Bldg. Kashmere Gate, Delhi and will be functional round the clock w.e.f. 15.6.2002 | |
Main functions of the Control Room will be to collect the information regarding the drainage congestion, Gauge & discharge data at various points alongwith river Yammuna, important drainages in U.T. of Delhi. |