ADRC TOP > Training Information Database

Training Information Database

Managing Mass Population Displacement Emergencies
operated by
Disaster Management Center- University of Wisconsin
You will learn about the basic guidelines and standards for each of these areas of international humanitarian response. You will also use the information to solve problems in all of these areas and have a chance to discuss options and best practices with skilled trainers and practitioners in these fields. Increase your understanding of the Sphere Project and its Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Better understand disaster communications systems, options, and standards for humanitarian organizations. Learn how to apply a set of guidelines generated within the response community and use widely agreed upon qualitative and quantitative standards for humanitarian programs. Explore and apply the basic standards and indicators for: water programs, sanitation programs, nutritional interventions, food aid logistics, registration, distribution and targeting aspects of food aid, emergency site and shelter programs, health services, communications systems and equipment choices.
Course Type
CourseDurationFive Days
Course Cost
Course Schedule22 Sep. 2003 to 26 Sep. 2003
Course AudienceThese workshops are designed for the career international humanitarian fieldworker, program or project officer, or anyone interested in understanding a standards- and rights-based approach to humanitarian assistance