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Training Information Database

Disaster Resistant Jobs Train the Trainer Courses E464
operated by
Emergency Management Institute
The purposes of the Train the Trainer courses is to develop a cardre of trainers who can raise awareness in their own localities. Participants must have the desire and ability to address groups including local economic development agencies, Chamber of Commerce meetings, service club luncheons, business meetings and other formats to address the issue of protecting the communities economic base. Participants will be provided with a tool kit of materials that can be used to tailor their presentation before groups.
Course Type
CourseDuration3 1/2 days
Course Cost
Course ScheduleJanuary 20- 23 2003, April 07-10, 2003, Augest 25-29, 2003
Course AudienceAll participants must complete EMI's Independent Study Course, Introduction to Mitigation-IS 393